Educate Punjab - Sponsor atleast one child
Welcome to Educate Punjab Project

Educate Punjab Project

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Educate Punjab Project (EPP) was initiated to promote higher education amongst the less fortunate people of Punjab
Whilist visiting various schools and colleges, EPP volunteers encountered numerous students who were showing signs of high intelligence , and had huge potentail, only being held back by not being able to afford an education
The dropout rate post Primary education in Punjab is extremely high, a large proportion of ths is down to one thing only Poverty.

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sponsor a child

Please sponsor at least one child for the education. Your 100% money will go to education of sponsored child and we will connect you to sponsored child so that you can see their progress and share their achievements.

All of our services is centralized to the welfare of the children. We serve the child with education and everything they need (Stationary, Uniform, Bus fare and books).

Experience the Joy of Changing the Child’s Life
